Sunday 12 October 2014

Shadow of the colossus

Completed shadow of the colossus to credits.
Completed on PS3 digital but own ps2 disc copy

Friday 22 August 2014

Shank 2

Completed shank 2 to credits on ps3, I also own it on steam but it was just sitting pretty free on ps plus so I decided to run through it.

Awesome game, tonnes of fun, reminiscent of metal slug and a bit of streets of rage. Level play times weren't to long, 10 to 20 minutes so it was easy to pick up and play which is nice. 

Need to go back and play shank on steam now. 

Monday 11 August 2014

Hotline Miami

Completed Hotline Miami to credits on PC.

An insanely fun game, brutality and strategy. Infuriating at times but always a riot.

Didn't really bother reading the story, I just enjoyed clearing out rooms of enemies.

Sunday 10 August 2014

Farcry 3 Blood Dragon

Complete Farcry 3 blood dragon to credits.

Awesome to play Farcry 3 in such a different way. Rather than trying to stealth everywhere I went I just went all guns blazing and blasted my way through every area.

Great quality game, and great fun. I would have liked to see more of it but for the price you cant really complain.

Farcry 3

Completed Farcry 3 to credits on PC.

Awesome game, but it's strange that the worst part was the story missions. I loved travelling around the island completing side missions and clearing out camps stealthily. I only played the story missions to unlock the second island.

Total game time according to steam was 23 hours. Story seemed to be quite short and the majority of that time was spent unlocking the island.

The story relied too much on scripted events rather than giving me the choice to play as I wanted to, they were going for a very cinematic style of gameplay when they didn't have to. Should have just let me rack up more of those super satisfying compound bow kills.

Uncharted Drake's Fortune

Completed Uncharted to credits.
All in all a pretty sweet game, the balance between combat and puzzling was a little bit off, I would have much rather seen more complex puzzles than a bunch of cover shooting. Seems like Tomb Raider accomplished this better.

Moving onto the 2nd game now, Among Thieves, hopefully it will make more of the puzzling and less of the combat.

Saturday 5 April 2014

Trine 2

Completed Trine 2 on PS3 to credits. A great puzzle game and looks absolutely spectacular. Now I want to go back and play the original, I'm pretty sure I've got it on steam.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Toy Story

Completed Toy Story on gameboy to credits.
This game is absolute dirt, enraging!!! The last level nearly took all of my lives and continues because there was no way of knowing how to get past the truck at the end, turns out the way to get past it is to get hit by it.
Controls are clunky and slow, visuals are horrible, no save or password system means it's a one shot game, thank god its so short!
Never touch this game, the only reason I bought it was because I never completed it when I was a kid, now I remember why I never got past the third level and traded it for spiderman...
On a side note, I should get spiderman!

Crash Bandicoot XS

Completed Crash Bandicoot XS to credits.
A lot of elements were taken from crash bandicoot 3 on psx and with that considered it is a great example of a console title ported for handheld. The visuals are great, it seems like most assets were pre renders from the psx game which worked really well.
It was a little shorter than expected, only 20 levels with 4 boss fights, I got through it in about 6 hours.
All in all a great handheld title which holds up well today and really made great use of the limited resources of the GBA.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Pokemon Y

Completed Pokemon Y to credits. I really liked the game but most likely because of the nostalgia factor than anything else.

I didn't make much use of many new features, except for the global trading systems, that was pretty sweet.

My younger self would be obsessed with collecting every pokemon, but I couldn't bring myself to care enough, especially with so many other games to complete.... maybe one day.

Kingdom Hearts 3D (Dream Drop Distance)

Completed Kingdom Hearts 3D to credits.

I liked it a lot, I was mainly impressed by the visuals on the 3DS, I know how hard it can be to achieve great visuals on the handheld and square enix destroyed it.

As with every Kingdom Hearts game I've played I got completely lost in the wider story but if you focus on just the plot of this game, you can get away without knowing the wider lore.

It took me a while to get around to completing this, it was actually the second time I started it, I was completely lost after a year or 2 not playing my save so I decided to start again from square 1, and I'm glad I did, combat was cool, difficulty was just right and variety on environments was fantastic.

Monday 24 March 2014

The Incredibles

Completed the Incredibles on GBA to credits. Pretty terrible game mainly due to slow unresponsive controls, some sections offered redemption however, the final boss fight was pretty good.

 I imagine it would be pretty fun on an updated system or if the controls in 3d space were improved.
The main gripe was with Elastigirls horrible targeted attack which only had 5 angles and was game critical in a lot of sections.

It was weird to drop back to a game without save functionality, I haven't had to scribble down level codes in a long time. Takes me back to the time when I bought Mighty Max on the SNES and the instruction book notes page was filled with all the level codes. In the days before google it was a big win for me. Need to get that game added to the list.

Sunday 23 March 2014

South park the stick of truth

Completed the stick of truth to credits on PS3, it was pretty kick ass.

Lots of South Park humour, some good gameplay. Levelling felt pretty linear, I can't imagine that different load out choices would have made a lot of difference to the play style.

Probably not worth a second play through for a while having revealed the plot and completing all of the side quests, it might be interesting to see how the story would be affected by choosing the opposite side (I chose to stick with Cartman on this playthrough).