Friday 22 August 2014

Shank 2

Completed shank 2 to credits on ps3, I also own it on steam but it was just sitting pretty free on ps plus so I decided to run through it.

Awesome game, tonnes of fun, reminiscent of metal slug and a bit of streets of rage. Level play times weren't to long, 10 to 20 minutes so it was easy to pick up and play which is nice. 

Need to go back and play shank on steam now. 

Monday 11 August 2014

Hotline Miami

Completed Hotline Miami to credits on PC.

An insanely fun game, brutality and strategy. Infuriating at times but always a riot.

Didn't really bother reading the story, I just enjoyed clearing out rooms of enemies.

Sunday 10 August 2014

Farcry 3 Blood Dragon

Complete Farcry 3 blood dragon to credits.

Awesome to play Farcry 3 in such a different way. Rather than trying to stealth everywhere I went I just went all guns blazing and blasted my way through every area.

Great quality game, and great fun. I would have liked to see more of it but for the price you cant really complain.

Farcry 3

Completed Farcry 3 to credits on PC.

Awesome game, but it's strange that the worst part was the story missions. I loved travelling around the island completing side missions and clearing out camps stealthily. I only played the story missions to unlock the second island.

Total game time according to steam was 23 hours. Story seemed to be quite short and the majority of that time was spent unlocking the island.

The story relied too much on scripted events rather than giving me the choice to play as I wanted to, they were going for a very cinematic style of gameplay when they didn't have to. Should have just let me rack up more of those super satisfying compound bow kills.

Uncharted Drake's Fortune

Completed Uncharted to credits.
All in all a pretty sweet game, the balance between combat and puzzling was a little bit off, I would have much rather seen more complex puzzles than a bunch of cover shooting. Seems like Tomb Raider accomplished this better.

Moving onto the 2nd game now, Among Thieves, hopefully it will make more of the puzzling and less of the combat.